About lotus effect / sludge drying, slurry drying, waste drrying

What is lotus effect?

Wettability changes according to shape of surface as well.
Lotus leaf is one of the examples. Water which dropped on surface of lotus leaf become droplets by shaping like a sphere and catches dirt while it rolls down, so that surface of lotus leaf never gets wet. Droplet on surface of leaf catches dirt, dust, bugs, etc. which is sticked to surface of the leaf while it rolls down, therefore, lotus leaves are always kept clean.
This water-repellent self-cleaning action is called lotus effect.

Lotus root is lotus stalk grow in mud. Leafstalk prolongs from lotus root which is in mud and the leafstalk grows above water surface, then connected to lotus leaf. There are small halls on lotus leaf and these holes are connected to holes of lotus root buried in mud via cavity of leafstalk. Lotus root cannot breathe since it is in mud. Lotus root gets oxygen through lotus leaf and cavity of leafstalk, so that it can breathe. Therefore, lotus root cannot breathe if small holes on lotus leaf are filled with dirt, etc. Lotus cannot live if surface of lotus leaf gets dirty so it must keep its leaf always clean.

Then, why lotus leaf does not get wet? The reason is in structure of leaf surface.
Normally, leaf of plants has certain degree of water-repellency since it has wax on its surface, however, lotus leaf also has minute protrusions and recesses on the waxed surface. Water-repellent structure having fine irregularity is added to the original water repellent waxed surface, so that the surface becomes super water-repellent.
Because of this water-repellency, surface of leaf doesn’t get wet and does perform self-cleaning action by forming droplets and catching dusts while the droplets are falling down, therefore, surface of leaf doesn’t get wet and is kept clean.

Lotus effect is a term of materials engineering which suggests self-cleaning action seen in the Nelumbonaceae plants. This natural self-cleaning function was found by botanists who studied lotus leaves.
In field of nano-technology, lotus effect is applied to surface of paints, roofing, clothes, etc. and method to keep materials dry and clean is being developed. The same effect can be obtained by surface finishing with fluorine compound and silicone, and also by mixing glucose or sucrose into polyethylene glycol.
Today, we can get paints with this self-cleaning function, or glass plate for greenhouse roof having lotus effect, etc. at a market. 

Reference web-site Louts effect Wiki 

ハスの葉の表面 KENKI DRYER 2018.1.31ロータス効果 ハスの葉の表面 KENKI DRYER 2018.1.31

Droplet on lotus leaf

Surface of lotus leaf

Structural computer graphics


サトイモの葉のロータス効果 KENKI DRYER 2018.1.31

Surface of taro leaf, lotus effect



KENKI DRYER which is designed and manufactured based on internationally patented technologies can definitely solve troubles of drying sticky, adhesive, and viscous materials, and also of liquid slurry. For sludge drying, costs of our dryer are estimated to be retrieved in 2 or 3 years by reduced cost of industrial waste disposal. For raw material slurry drying, we recommend replacing traditional box-shaped compartment tray dryers which need laborious works of manual operation. While organic waste with high moisture content such as used tea leaves, soy pulps, food residues, livestock excretions etc. can be dried with low-temperature and without change in their components, it is possible to recycle the waste as fuels, soil conditioner, etc., to sell them with high price, and to contribute for the environment.
Because of the internationally patented technologies, our dryer has outstanding drying performance which can dry sticky, adhesive, and viscous materials, and also liquid slurry that no other dryers can take care without clogging inside of its body. Also, since its structure is simple, initial, running and maintenance costs are low. Please do compare with other company’s products. The structure is simple, therefore, it hardly breaks, it has small number of replacement parts, it is easy to be maintained, and its service life is long.
Please don’t hesitate to ask for solutions about troubles of drying sticky, adhesive, and viscous materials, and also of liquid slurry.






Please consider KENKI DRYER for drying of sticky materials, adhesive materials and materials in liquid state that no other dryer can deal with.
Initial, running and maintenance costs are low because of its simple structure based on internationally patented technology.
For sludge drying, costs of our dryers are estimated to be retrieved within 2, 3 years by reducing industrial waste disposal cost.
For raw material slurry drying, laborious works of manual operation will be decreased significantly by replacing box shaped compartment tray dryer with our dryer
In case of organic wastes drying, the waste can be recycled as fuel, fertilizer, soil conditioner and feedstuff after being dried.



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Pyrolyzer Biogreen
A pyrolyser with internationally patented technology which use no fire