Lumpy organic sludge drying, Low-temperature drying of dehydrated lumpy organic sludge with high moisture content, which is difficult to dry / Test cases / Sludge dryer, Reduction of industrial waste

■ Low-temperature drying of dehydrated lumpy organic sludge with high moisture content, which is difficult to dry / KENKI DRYER / Sludge dryer



Ability to handle drying materials

  • For lumpy sludge: Crushes sludge in the dryer to accelerate drying inward.
  • Adhesive and sticky materials: Gentle drying is achieved through our patented technology.
  • Wastewater treatment sludge: Can handle lumpy sludge caused by coagulants.

Reduction of environmental impact

  • Low temperature drying: Little change in composition after drying, ideal for recycling and upcycling.
  • Steam Utilization: Indirect drying reduces carbon dioxide emissions.
  • Reduced fuel costs: High thermal efficiency reduces steam usage.
  • Waste Reduction: Reduced weight due to sludge drying helps reduce industrial waste costs and CO2 emissions.

Economical and easy to maintain

  • Low cost: Reduced maintenance costs due to lower fuel costs and fewer wearing parts.
  • High efficiency: 24-hour unmanned operation is possible, making operation management easy.

Technology features

  • Patented technology: High drying capacity based on proprietary technology.
  • Proven track record: Patented in 8 countries including Japan, proving the high level of our technology.


KENKI DRYER is a revolutionary drying system that solves the problems of conventional dryers and has the following features

  • High drying performance: can be used for a wide variety of drying materials.
  • Reduced environmental impact: Reduces carbon dioxide emissions and contributes to resource recycling.
  • Economical: Reduced fuel and maintenance costs
  • Reliability: High reliability and proven track record based on patented technology.

Especially in drying sludge discharged from wastewater treatment plants, the system demonstrates its high performance and contributes to solving environmental problems and realizing a resource-recycling society.

Application examples

  • Wastewater treatment plants: Sludge drying for weight reduction, recycling and upcycling
  • Organic waste: Drying of organic waste with high water content
  • Slurry: Drying of slurry


  • Patented technology: Unique drying technology differentiates our dryers from others.
  • Environmental Responsiveness: Responds to market needs as a product that helps reduce environmental impact.
  • Economical: Contributes to lower long-term operating costs.


The KENKI DRYER is a drying system that will receive increasing attention in wastewater treatment plants and a variety of other fields due to its high performance and environmental friendliness.


In the drying process of KENKI DRYER, lumpy sludge and other dried materials are crushed to a certain degree in the dryer to reduce their surface area, which allows drying to the inside of the dried materials to a sufficient extent. Even lumpy dried materials may not be discharged because of clogging inside the dryer due to strong adhesion during drying, but KENKI DRYER’s world-patented unique mechanism prevents clogging inside the dryer and enables smooth drying.

Sludge discharged from wastewater treatment plants tends to become lumpy during the drying process due to the coagulant used in wastewater treatment. In the drying process of KENKI DRYER, even if the dried material becomes lumpy, it is crushed to a certain extent in the dryer to reduce its surface area, which allows the dried material to be dried more than adequately inside the dryer. This allows drying to the inside of the dried material.

Even difficult-to-dry, highly adhesive materials can be dried easily and smoothly with KENKI DRYER. For example, dewatered sludge discharged from sewage treatment plants is difficult to dry due to its strong adhesive property. KENKI DRYER’s world-patented unique mechanism can dry even highly adhesive and sticky dewatered sludge without clogging the dryer.

KENKI DRYER dries sludge discharged from wastewater treatment plants at low temperatures so that the composition of the dried materials remains unchanged after drying and can be used as compost, soil conditioner, fuel or other upcycled materials. The KENKI DRYER is an indirect dryer that uses low temperature steam as a heat source.

Japan is almost 100% dependent on imports for its mineral resources. In the future, precious metals and rare metals will continue to be particularly important resources, and it is essential to secure these resources in order to maintain and strengthen our international competitiveness. One of the measures to secure mineral resources is the reuse and recycling of minerals contained in sludge, which will contribute to environmental protection and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Phosphorus, which is currently imported from China, is also an indispensable mineral. Therefore, the extraction of phosphorus from sewage sludge is promoted as a national project.
The reuse and recycling of sludge from wastewater treatment plants is becoming increasingly important for environmental protection, decarbonization and securing resources that are currently dependent on imports.

Drying sludge to reduce its weight and the amount of waste materials can contribute to environmental protection and decarbonization by reducing the cost of industrial waste, which is rising due to the recent trucking problem in 2024, and by reducing carbon dioxide emissions by reducing the number of trucks used.

KENKI DRYER, with 11 patents in 8 countries, is an indirect steam dryer, but its structure is different from other similar indirect steam dryers and is a completely unique product. The KENKI DEYER uses steam as a heat source, but its high drying heat efficiency means that less steam is used. The use of excess steam is not costly in terms of fuel, and the dryer does not emit carbon dioxide during drying, allowing for decarbonized drying. Alternatively, by installing an electric boiler, no greenhouse gases or CO2 emissions are generated during drying.
KENKI DRYER is a continuous dryer, not a batch dryer that stores and dries materials to be dried. Therefore, operation is simple and unmanned operation is possible 24 hours a day.

KENKI DRYER, which can dry sticky and adhesive materials that cannot be dried by other dryers, is a breakthrough dryer with a total of 11 patents (2 in Japan and 9 in 7 overseas countries). Please consider KENKI DRYER for your high moisture organic waste dryer, sludge dryer, slurry dryer, methane fermentation digested liquid dryer, waste upcycling and recycling dryer.

KENKI DRYER has been granted 11 patents in 8 countries (Japan, Taiwan, USA, France, Germany, UK, Switzerland, Canada).





waste reduction sludge drying sludge dryer kenki dryer 29.06.2024


KENKI DRYER sludge drying slurry drying waste drying top 01




■ What is Sludge?


Sludge is a semi-solid slurry that can be produced from a range of industrial processes, from water treatment, wastewater treatment or on-site sanitation systems. It can be produced as a settled suspension obtained from conventional drinking water treatment, as sewage sludge from wastewater treatment processes or as fecal sludge from pit latrines and septic tanks. The term is also sometimes used as a generic term for solids separated from suspension in a liquid; this soupy material usually contains significant quantities of interstitial water (between the solid particles). Sludge can consist of a variety of particles, such as animal manure.

Source:Wiki Sludge


■ What is Organic sludge ?


Organic sludge refers to a semi-solid slurry that is primarily composed of organic matter. It can be generated from various sources, including:

  1. Wastewater Treatment Plants: Organic sludge is a byproduct of the treatment process, primarily consisting of organic waste, bacteria, and other microorganisms that break down sewage.
  2. Industrial Processes: Certain industries, such as food processing, paper manufacturing, and agriculture, produce organic sludge as a waste product.
  3. Composting and Biogas Production: Organic waste material from these processes can also produce sludge.

Organic sludge typically contains a high level of nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, making it useful for agricultural applications as a soil amendment. However, it can also contain contaminants like heavy metals, pathogens, and chemical residues, necessitating proper treatment and handling before use or disposal.

Uses of Organic Sludge

  1. Fertilizer: When treated and processed correctly, organic sludge can be used as a nutrient-rich fertilizer.
  2. Soil Conditioner: It improves soil structure, enhances water retention, and provides essential nutrients to plants.
  3. Energy Production: Through anaerobic digestion, organic sludge can be used to produce biogas, a renewable energy source.

Treatment Methods

  1. Anaerobic Digestion: Breaks down organic matter in the absence of oxygen, producing biogas and reducing sludge volume.
  2. Composting: Aerobic decomposition of organic matter, resulting in nutrient-rich compost.
  3. Thermal Treatment: Processes like incineration or pyrolysis to reduce volume and potentially recover energy.

Environmental Considerations

Proper management of organic sludge is crucial to prevent environmental pollution. Untreated or improperly managed sludge can lead to issues such as water contamination, soil degradation, and the spread of pathogens. Therefore, regulations and guidelines are in place in many regions to ensure safe and sustainable handling and disposal of organic sludge.



■ What is Dehydrated sludge ?


Dehydrated sludge refers to sludge that has undergone a process to remove a significant portion of its water content. Sludge is a byproduct of wastewater treatment, consisting of a mixture of water, organic and inorganic materials, and microorganisms. Dehydrating sludge reduces its volume and weight, making it easier and more cost-effective to handle, transport, and dispose of.

The process of dehydrating sludge typically involves several stages:

  1. Thickening: Concentrates the sludge by removing some of the water, usually through gravity or flotation thickening.
  2. Conditioning: Adds chemicals to the sludge to improve its dewaterability.
  3. Dewatering: Removes additional water through mechanical means, such as centrifuges, belt filter presses, or screw presses.
  4. Drying: Further reduces moisture content using thermal methods, such as drying beds, ovens, or dryers.

Dehydrated sludge can be further processed or disposed of in several ways, including incineration, landfilling, or use as a soil conditioner or fertilizer after proper treatment.



■ What is Activated sludge ?


Activated sludge is a process used in wastewater treatment to break down organic matter in sewage. It involves a mixture of wastewater, microorganisms (like bacteria), and oxygen. Here’s how it works:

  1. Wastewater Collection: Wastewater from homes, businesses, and industries is collected and brought to a treatment plant.

  2. Primary Treatment: Large solids and debris are removed from the wastewater in a primary treatment stage.

  3. Aeration Tank: The wastewater is then pumped into an aeration tank where it’s mixed with a small amount of “activated sludge,” which is essentially a mix of microorganisms that break down organic pollutants. Air or oxygen is pumped into the tank to provide the oxygen the microorganisms need to thrive and consume the organic material.

  4. Biological Degradation: The microorganisms digest the organic pollutants, breaking them down into simpler substances like carbon dioxide, water, and biomass. This process is called “biological oxidation.”

  5. Sedimentation: After sufficient aeration, the mixture is sent to a secondary settling tank where the activated sludge (now containing a lot of the digested waste) settles to the bottom. This settled sludge can be recycled back into the aeration tank to treat more wastewater, or it can be further treated and disposed of.

  6. Effluent Release: The clarified water at the top of the secondary settling tank, now mostly free of organic material, is often subjected to further treatment (like disinfection) before being released into the environment.

Key Points:

  • Activated sludge is an important part of secondary wastewater treatment.
  • It relies on microorganisms to break down organic pollutants in wastewater.
  • The process is aerobic, meaning it requires oxygen.
  • The sludge can be reused or disposed of after treatment.

This method is widely used because it’s effective at removing organic matter and can be adapted to treat various types of wastewater.



■ Difference between organic and inorganic sludge


Organic sludge and inorganic sludge are two primary types of sludge produced in wastewater treatment plants. They differ primarily in their composition and the methods used to treat them.

Organic Sludge

  • Composition: Primarily consists of organic matter, such as biodegradable solids like food scraps, fats, oils, and grease.
  • Source: Typically derived from domestic wastewater or industrial effluents containing organic pollutants.
  • Treatment Methods:
    • Anaerobic digestion: A biological process that breaks down organic matter in the absence of oxygen, producing biogas (methane and carbon dioxide).
    • Composting: A natural process that decomposes organic matter into a nutrient-rich soil amendment.
    • Incineration: A high-temperature process that destroys organic matter, but may produce harmful emissions if not properly controlled.

Inorganic Sludge

  • Composition: Primarily consists of inorganic materials, such as metals, salts, and minerals.
  • Source: Often derived from industrial wastewater, especially those from chemical processes, mining, and metal finishing.
  • Treatment Methods:
    • Chemical precipitation: Adding chemicals to the wastewater to cause the inorganic solids to precipitate out, which can then be removed through filtration or sedimentation.
    • Filtration: Physically removing inorganic solids from the wastewater using filters or membranes.
    • Landfilling: Disposing of the inorganic sludge in landfills, which can be environmentally challenging due to the potential for leaching of harmful substances.

Key Differences:

FeatureOrganic SludgeInorganic Sludge
CompositionPrimarily organic matterPrimarily inorganic materials
SourceDomestic wastewater, industrial effluentsIndustrial wastewater, especially from chemical processes
Treatment MethodsAnaerobic digestion, composting, incinerationChemical precipitation, filtration, landfilling

In many cases, wastewater treatment plants produce a mixture of organic and inorganic sludge, requiring a combination of treatment methods to effectively manage the sludge and protect the environment.



■ Reasons for drying sludge


There are several key reasons why sludge, often produced as a byproduct of wastewater treatment, needs to be dried:

  • Volume Reduction: Sludge typically contains a high percentage of water. Drying significantly reduces this water content, leading to a much smaller volume. This makes transporting and storing the sludge far more manageable and cost-effective.

  • Disposal and Further Treatment: Dried sludge can be easier and safer to dispose of compared to wet sludge. For instance, dried sludge can meet specific regulations for incineration or landfilling. In some cases, drying can also be a precursor to other treatment methods.

  • Resource Recovery: When properly dried, sludge can be repurposed for beneficial uses. This could involve using it as a soil conditioner or even converting it into a fuel source.

  • Pathogen Reduction: Drying can help reduce the number of harmful pathogens present in the sludge. This makes it a safer material to handle and potentially reuse.

  • Odor Control: Wet sludge can be quite odorous. Drying helps to stabilize the sludge and significantly reduces unpleasant smells.



■ Why sludge drying is difficult?


Sludge drying is a challenging process due to several factors that complicate its efficient and effective execution. Here are the main reasons why sludge drying can be difficult:

  1. High Moisture Content:

    • Initial Moisture Levels: Sludge typically has a very high initial moisture content (up to 98% water), which requires significant energy to reduce.
    • Bound Water: Some water in sludge is chemically bound to particles, making it harder to remove through conventional drying methods.
  2. Energy Requirements:

    • High Energy Consumption: Drying sludge to a low moisture content requires substantial energy, especially for thermal drying processes.
    • Cost: The energy costs associated with sludge drying can be high, impacting the overall economics of the wastewater treatment process.
  3. Complex Composition:

    • Variable Composition: Sludge composition can vary widely depending on the source and type of wastewater being treated. This variability can affect drying efficiency and the selection of appropriate drying technologies.
    • Presence of Inorganic and Organic Materials: The mixture of organic and inorganic materials in sludge can complicate the drying process.
  4. Handling and Processing:

    • Sticky and Viscous Nature: Wet sludge can be sticky and viscous, making it difficult to handle, transport, and process in drying equipment.
    • Clogging and Fouling: Sludge can clog or foul drying equipment, requiring frequent maintenance and cleaning.
  5. Environmental and Health Concerns:

    • Odor Emissions: Drying sludge can produce unpleasant odors, which need to be managed through odor control systems.
    • Air Pollution: Thermal drying processes can release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other air pollutants, necessitating air pollution control measures.
  6. Equipment and Technology:

    • Specialized Equipment: Sludge drying often requires specialized equipment, such as belt dryers, drum dryers, or fluidized bed dryers, which can be expensive to purchase and maintain.
    • Operational Complexity: Managing the drying process requires skilled operators to ensure optimal performance and to address any issues that arise during operation.
  7. Disposal of By-products:

    • Residual Waste: Even after drying, there is still a need to dispose of the dried sludge or its ash if incinerated, which can involve additional costs and regulatory compliance.
  8. Regulatory Compliance:

    • Stringent Regulations: There are often strict regulations governing the drying and disposal of sludge, particularly concerning emissions and pathogen reduction, which can add complexity to the process.

In summary, sludge drying is difficult due to high moisture content, significant energy requirements, complex sludge composition, handling challenges, environmental and health concerns, specialized equipment needs, and stringent regulatory requirements. These factors make sludge drying a technically and economically challenging process in wastewater treatment.




KENKI DRYER sludge drying slurry drying waste drying top 02


Woman illustration organic sludge drying kenki dryer organil sludge dryer 28.08.2024



■ Low-temperature drying of dehydrated lumpy organic sludge with high moisture content, which is difficult to dry / Test cases




■ Low-temperature drying of dehydrated lumpy organic sludge with high moisture content, which is difficult to dry / Test result 


  • Material to be dry: Dehydrated lumpy organic sludge
  • Purpose of drying: Reducing industrial waste cost and amount
  • Moisture content: 82.8%W.B. before drying, 29.3%W.B. after drying
  • Requirements for dryer: Lumpy sludge with poor heat conduction. To prevent clogging inside the dryer caused by the stickiness and adhesiveness. Automated continuous operation with no operator attended.
  • Machine cost can be recovered in short term.
  • Test result: OK

sludge drying before and after kenki dryer sludge drying sludge dryer 28.08.2024


Sludge drying

Competitive comparison




fuel is any material that can be made to react with other substances so that it releases energy as thermal energy or to be used for work. The concept was originally applied solely to those materials capable of releasing chemical energy but has since also been applied to other sources of heat energy, such as nuclear energy (via nuclear fission and nuclear fusion).
The heat energy released by reactions of fuels can be converted into mechanical energy via a heat engine. Other times, the heat itself is valued for warmth, cooking, or industrial processes, as well as the illumination that accompanies combustion. Fuels are also used in the cells of organisms in a process known as cellular respiration, where organic molecules are oxidized to release usable energy. Hydrocarbons and related organic molecules are by far the most common source of fuel used by humans, but other substances, including radioactive metals, are also utilized.
Fuels are contrasted with other substances or devices storing potential energy, such as those that directly release electrical energy (such as batteries and capacitors) or mechanical energy (such as flywheels, springs, compressed air, or water in a reservoir).

Source:Wiki Fuel




Compost is a mixture of ingredients used as plant fertilizer and to improve soil’s physical, chemical, and biological properties. It is commonly prepared by decomposing plant and food waste, recycling organic materials, and manure. The resulting mixture is rich in plant nutrients and beneficial organisms, such as bacteria, protozoa, nematodes, and fungi. Compost improves soil fertility in gardens, landscaping, horticulture, urban agriculture, and organic farming, reducing dependency on commercial chemical fertilizers. The benefits of compost include providing nutrients to crops as fertilizer, acting as a soil conditioner, increasing the humus or humic acid contents of the soil, and introducing beneficial microbes that help to suppress pathogens in the soil and reduce soil-borne diseases.

Source:Wiki Compost




fertilizer (American English) or fertiliser (British English) is any material of natural or synthetic origin that is applied to soil or to plant tissues to supply plant nutrients. Fertilizers may be distinct from liming materials or other non-nutrient soil amendments. Many sources of fertilizer exist, both natural and industrially produced. For most modern agricultural practices, fertilization focuses on three main macro nutrients: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) with occasional addition of supplements like rock flour for micronutrients. Farmers apply these fertilizers in a variety of ways: through dry or pelletized or liquid application processes, using large agricultural equipment or hand-tool methods.

Source:Wiki Fertilizer


The three primary elements of fertilizer


The three primary elements of fertilizer, essential for plant growth and commonly referred to as macronutrients in the context of plant nutrition, are:

Nitrogen (N):
Function: Promotes leaf and stem growth, as it is a crucial component of chlorophyll, the compound that plants use in photosynthesis to convert sunlight into energy. Nitrogen is also a key part of amino acids, the building blocks of proteins.
Deficiency Symptoms: Yellowing of leaves (chlorosis), stunted growth, and poor yield.

Phosphorus (P):
Function: Essential for energy transfer and storage in plants, as it is a component of ATP (adenosine triphosphate). Phosphorus also plays a vital role in root development, flowering, and seed production.
Deficiency Symptoms: Dark green or purplish leaves, delayed maturity, and poor root development.

Potassium (K):
Function: Regulates various metabolic activities in plants, including photosynthesis, protein synthesis, and water regulation. Potassium is also important for improving disease resistance and overall plant health.
Deficiency Symptoms: Leaf edges may turn yellow or brown (scorching), weak stems, and reduced resistance to drought and diseases.
Fertilizers are often labeled with an N-P-K ratio, which indicates the relative proportions of these three essential nutrients. For example, a fertilizer labeled as 10-20-10 contains 10% nitrogen, 20% phosphorus, and 10% potassium.



Biochar from Organic Sludge


Biochar is a stable, carbon-rich material produced by the pyrolysis (thermal decomposition in the absence of oxygen) of organic materials, including organic sludge. When organic sludge is converted into biochar, it provides an environmentally friendly way to manage waste while producing a valuable byproduct that can enhance soil health, sequester carbon, and improve water retention.

Production of Biochar from Organic Sludge

  1. Collection of Organic Sludge: Organic sludge is first collected from wastewater treatment plants. This sludge contains a high amount of organic material, making it suitable for conversion into biochar.

  2. Dewatering: The sludge is typically dewatered to reduce its moisture content. High moisture content can reduce the efficiency of the pyrolysis process.

  3. Pyrolysis: The dewatered sludge is then subjected to pyrolysis, a process where it is heated to high temperatures (typically between 300°C and 700°C) in the absence of oxygen. During pyrolysis:

    • Organic matter decomposes into volatile gases, liquids (such as tar and oils), and a solid residue (biochar).
    • The resulting biochar is rich in carbon and has a porous structure.
  4. Cooling and Collection: After pyrolysis, the biochar is cooled and collected. It can then be processed further or used as-is, depending on the intended application.

Benefits of Biochar from Organic Sludge

  1. Waste Management: Converting organic sludge into biochar provides a sustainable way to manage waste. Instead of disposing of sludge in landfills or through incineration, it is transformed into a useful product.

  2. Soil Amendment: Biochar can be applied to soils to improve fertility, enhance water retention, and promote microbial activity. It acts as a slow-release source of nutrients and helps retain moisture, making it particularly beneficial in arid regions.

  3. Carbon Sequestration: Biochar is stable and resistant to decomposition, allowing it to sequester carbon in the soil for hundreds to thousands of years. This can help mitigate climate change by reducing atmospheric carbon dioxide levels.

  4. Pollution Control: Biochar has the ability to adsorb contaminants, such as heavy metals and organic pollutants, reducing their mobility and availability in soils and water.

  5. Energy Recovery: During the pyrolysis process, gases and liquids (like syngas and bio-oil) are produced. These can be captured and used as renewable energy sources, contributing to energy recovery.

Challenges and Considerations

  • Feedstock Variability: The composition of organic sludge can vary depending on the source, which can affect the quality and properties of the biochar produced.
  • Heavy Metal Content: Organic sludge may contain heavy metals, which can become concentrated in the biochar. This requires careful monitoring and management, particularly if the biochar is intended for agricultural use.
  • Economic Viability: The cost of producing biochar from sludge must be weighed against the benefits and potential revenue streams, such as selling biochar as a soil amendment.

Applications of Biochar from Organic Sludge

  • Agriculture: Enhancing soil fertility and structure, improving crop yields, and reducing the need for chemical fertilizers.
  • Environmental Remediation: Adsorbing pollutants in contaminated soils and water bodies.
  • Construction Materials: Incorporating biochar into building materials like concrete to improve insulation and reduce the carbon footprint.

In summary, converting organic sludge into biochar offers a sustainable and beneficial way to manage waste, improve soil health, and sequester carbon, though it requires careful consideration of the sludge’s composition and the pyrolysis process.



■ Bio-Coke from Organic Sludge


Bio-coke, also known as biocoke or biochar-coke, is a carbon-rich material similar to traditional coke but produced from biomass, including organic sludge, instead of fossil fuels like coal. The process of converting organic sludge into bio-coke involves thermal treatment, which results in a carbonaceous material that can be used in various industrial applications, particularly as a substitute for conventional coke in metallurgical processes.

Production of Bio-Coke from Organic Sludge

  1. Collection and Dewatering of Organic Sludge: The process begins with the collection of organic sludge from wastewater treatment plants. This sludge is dewatered to reduce its moisture content, making it more suitable for thermal processing.

  2. Carbonization/Pyrolysis: The dewatered sludge is subjected to a carbonization process, similar to pyrolysis, where it is heated to high temperatures (typically between 500°C and 1000°C) in a low-oxygen or oxygen-free environment. During this process:

    • The organic material in the sludge breaks down, releasing volatile gases and leaving behind a solid carbon-rich residue, which is the bio-coke.
    • The conditions during carbonization, such as temperature and time, are carefully controlled to produce bio-coke with properties suitable for its intended use.
  3. Cooling and Collection: After carbonization, the bio-coke is cooled and collected. It may be further processed (e.g., crushed or sized) to meet specific requirements for different applications.

Properties of Bio-Coke

  • High Carbon Content: Like traditional coke, bio-coke has a high carbon content, making it suitable for use as a reducing agent in metallurgical processes.
  • Porous Structure: Bio-coke has a porous structure, which can influence its reactivity and performance in industrial applications.
  • Lower Sulfur and Ash Content: Compared to conventional coke made from coal, bio-coke typically has lower sulfur and ash content, leading to cleaner combustion and less environmental pollution.
  • Renewable Source: Bio-coke is produced from renewable biomass sources, making it more sustainable than fossil-fuel-based coke.

Applications of Bio-Coke

  1. Metallurgical Processes: Bio-coke can be used as a substitute for conventional coke in various metallurgical processes, such as in blast furnaces for ironmaking. It acts as a reducing agent, helping to convert iron ore into molten iron.

  2. Energy Production: Bio-coke can be burned as a fuel in industrial boilers, power plants, and other energy-intensive industries. Its high carbon content and energy density make it an efficient source of energy.

  3. Environmental Benefits: Using bio-coke can reduce the carbon footprint of industries that traditionally rely on fossil fuels. It also helps in managing organic sludge, reducing the need for landfill disposal or other waste treatment methods.

Advantages of Bio-Coke from Organic Sludge

  • Waste Management: Converting organic sludge into bio-coke provides an effective way to manage waste, particularly for wastewater treatment plants, by turning it into a valuable product.
  • Sustainability: Bio-coke production from organic sludge leverages renewable resources, contributing to a circular economy and reducing reliance on non-renewable fossil fuels.
  • Reduced Emissions: The use of bio-coke can lead to lower emissions of sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, and other pollutants compared to traditional coke, making it a more environmentally friendly option.
  • Carbon Neutrality: Since bio-coke is derived from biomass, it can be considered carbon-neutral, as the carbon released during its use is part of the natural carbon cycle.

Challenges and Considerations

  • Feedstock Variability: The composition of organic sludge can vary significantly, affecting the consistency and quality of the bio-coke produced. Careful control of the feedstock and production process is necessary to ensure uniformity.
  • Economic Viability: The cost of producing bio-coke from organic sludge, including the dewatering and carbonization processes, must be economically feasible compared to traditional coke.
  • Heavy Metals and Contaminants: Organic sludge may contain heavy metals or other contaminants that could be concentrated in the bio-coke, requiring careful monitoring and management.


Bio-coke from organic sludge represents a promising alternative to traditional fossil-fuel-based coke, offering benefits in waste management, sustainability, and environmental impact. While it holds great potential, challenges related to feedstock variability, economic viability, and contaminant management must be addressed to fully realize its advantages.



Use of biochar as concrete aggregate


Using biochar as a concrete aggregate is an emerging area of research and application in sustainable construction. Biochar, traditionally used as a soil amendment, can be incorporated into concrete as a partial replacement for conventional aggregates (like sand or gravel) or as an additive to enhance certain properties of concrete.

Benefits of Using Biochar in Concrete

  1. Enhanced Mechanical Properties:
    • Strength: Depending on the mix design and biochar properties, biochar can improve the compressive, tensile, and flexural strength of concrete. Its porous structure can promote better bonding between the cement paste and the aggregate, leading to stronger concrete.
    • Lightweight: Biochar is lighter than conventional aggregates, which can reduce the overall weight of concrete. This is beneficial for applications where lightweight concrete is desired.
  2. Improved Durability:
    • Water Absorption: Biochar can absorb and retain water, which can be gradually released during the curing process, potentially improving the hydration of cement and enhancing the durability of concrete.
    • Resistance to Cracking: The incorporation of biochar can help reduce shrinkage and cracking in concrete, particularly during the drying process.
  3. Environmental Benefits:
    • Carbon Sequestration: Biochar is a carbon-rich material, and using it in concrete can help sequester carbon, reducing the overall carbon footprint of construction projects. The carbon stored in biochar is stable and resistant to decomposition, making it a long-term carbon sink.
    • Sustainable Waste Management: Utilizing biochar made from organic waste, including agricultural residues or sludge, in concrete can contribute to waste reduction and promote circular economy practices.
  4. Thermal and Acoustic Insulation:
    • Insulating Properties: Biochar has good thermal insulating properties due to its porous structure. Incorporating biochar into concrete can improve the thermal efficiency of buildings, reducing heating and cooling demands.
    • Sound Absorption: The porous nature of biochar also contributes to better sound absorption, making biochar-concrete mixes potentially useful in acoustic insulation.

Challenges and Considerations

  1. Mix Design Optimization:
    • The proportion of biochar used in the concrete mix needs to be carefully optimized. Too much biochar can negatively affect the workability and mechanical properties of concrete, while too little may not provide the desired benefits.
    • The particle size, porosity, and surface area of biochar are critical factors that influence the performance of the concrete.
  2. Water Demand and Workability:
    • Biochar can increase the water demand of concrete due to its high absorption capacity. This might require adjustments in the water-to-cement ratio or the use of superplasticizers to maintain workability.
    • Proper mixing techniques and curing processes are essential to ensure that the biochar is evenly distributed and that the concrete achieves the desired properties.
  3. Long-Term Performance:
    • The long-term durability and performance of biochar-enhanced concrete need further research, particularly in different environmental conditions (e.g., freeze-thaw cycles, exposure to chemicals, etc.).
    • Potential leaching of any contaminants (if the biochar is made from waste materials) must be assessed to ensure the safety and environmental compatibility of the material.
  4. Cost and Availability:
    • The cost of producing and sourcing biochar must be considered, as it may affect the overall cost of the concrete. However, if biochar is sourced from waste materials, it can be an economical alternative to traditional aggregates.

Applications of Biochar in Concrete

  1. Sustainable Construction: Biochar-enhanced concrete can be used in green building projects to reduce the environmental impact of construction. This includes applications in building foundations, walls, and other structural components.
  2. Lightweight Concrete: Biochar can be used in lightweight concrete for non-load-bearing structures, such as partitions, insulation panels, and other architectural elements.
  3. Infrastructure Projects: Biochar-concrete mixes can be utilized in infrastructure projects like road construction, where reduced weight and enhanced durability are beneficial.
  4. Environmental Remediation: In areas with contaminated soils, biochar-enhanced concrete can be used in construction to prevent the spread of pollutants, leveraging biochar’s adsorptive properties.


Using biochar as a concrete aggregate offers significant environmental and performance benefits, including carbon sequestration, improved strength, and enhanced thermal insulation. However, challenges related to mix design, water demand, and long-term performance must be addressed to fully leverage the potential of biochar in sustainable construction. This innovative approach holds promise for reducing the environmental impact of the construction industry while producing more durable and efficient building materials.



What is Biochar?


Biochar is a form of charcoal that is produced by heating organic material (biomass) such as wood, crop residues, or manure in a controlled environment with little or no oxygen through a process called pyrolysis. Here are some key aspects of biochar:

  1. Production Process: Biochar is created through pyrolysis, which involves heating biomass in the absence of oxygen. This process thermally decomposes the organic material, producing a stable, carbon-rich product.

  2. Soil Amendment: One of the primary uses of biochar is as a soil amendment. When added to soil, it can enhance soil fertility, improve water retention, increase microbial activity, and reduce the need for chemical fertilizers.

  3. Carbon Sequestration: Biochar is highly stable and can remain in the soil for hundreds to thousands of years, effectively sequestering carbon and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This makes it a valuable tool in mitigating climate change.

  4. Environmental Benefits: Biochar can help reduce soil erosion, improve soil structure, and increase agricultural productivity. It also has the potential to filter and remove contaminants from soil and water, contributing to environmental remediation.

  5. Energy Production: The pyrolysis process that produces biochar also generates syngas (a mixture of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and other gases) and bio-oil, which can be used as renewable energy sources.

  6. Waste Management: By converting agricultural and forestry residues, animal manure, and other organic waste into biochar, it provides a sustainable method of managing waste materials.

  7. Livestock and Composting: Biochar can be used in animal husbandry to improve feed efficiency and reduce methane emissions from livestock. It is also used in composting to enhance the composting process and reduce odors.

  8. Water Purification: Due to its porous structure and high surface area, biochar can be used as a filtration medium to remove pollutants from water, including heavy metals, organic contaminants, and nutrients.

Overall, biochar represents a versatile and sustainable solution with multiple applications in agriculture, environmental management, and energy production, contributing to both soil health and climate change mitigation.



What is Bio-coke?


Bio-coke is an eco-friendly fuel source produced from biomass, which are organic materials like plants and animals. Unlike traditional coke, which is derived from coal, bio-coke is made from renewable resources and offers a more sustainable alternative.

Here’s a breakdown of bio-coke:

  • Raw Materials: Bio-coke can be created from various forms of biomass, including:

    • Waste materials like used tea leaves, coffee grounds, fruit peels, and sawdust
    • Energy crops specifically grown for bio-fuel purposes
  • Production Process: Biomass goes through a process called pyrolysis, which involves heating the material in the absence of oxygen. This process removes moisture and volatile compounds, leaving behind a solid carbonaceous material – bio-coke.

  • Applications: Bio-coke is primarily used as a substitute for coal coke in industrial processes, particularly steelmaking. Steelmaking traditionally relies on coal coke as a source of carbon and heat. Bio-coke offers a more sustainable alternative by reducing dependence on fossil fuels and potentially lowering greenhouse gas emissions.

Benefits of Bio-Coke:

  • Renewable Source: Bio-coke is derived from renewable biomass, unlike coal coke which is a finite resource.
  • Reduced Emissions: Bio-coke production can potentially lower greenhouse gas emissions compared to traditional coke production.
  • Waste Management: Bio-coke can utilize waste materials like used coffee grounds and sawdust, promoting waste management and diverting them from landfills.

Challenges of Bio-Coke:

  • Production Scale: Bio-coke production is still under development, and large-scale production facilities are not yet widespread.
  • Properties: Bio-coke may have slightly different properties compared to coal coke, potentially requiring adjustments in industrial processes.
  • Cost: Currently, bio-coke production can be more expensive than traditional coke production.

Overall, bio-coke is a promising development in the pursuit of more sustainable industrial practices. As research and development progress, bio-coke has the potential to become a more viable and widely used alternative to coal coke.



Difference between Biochar and Bio-coke


Both biochar and bio-coke are products derived from organic materials, but they have some key differences:

Processing Temperature:

  • Biochar: Produced at lower temperatures (typically around 300-700°C) through a process called pyrolysis. Limited oxygen is present during pyrolysis.
  • Bio-coke: Produced at higher temperatures (around 700-1000°C) in an almost complete absence of oxygen. This higher temperature process is more similar to coal coking.

End Product:

  • Biochar: A porous and lightweight material with a high surface area. It’s rich in carbon but can also retain some nutrients from the original biomass.
  • Bio-coke: Denser and has a higher carbon content compared to biochar. It shares some similarities with traditional coke in terms of physical properties.


  • Biochar: Primarily used for soil amendment. Its porous structure helps retain water and nutrients, improving soil health. It can also be used for filtration, as a source of renewable energy, and for capturing pollutants.
  • Bio-coke: Intended as a sustainable substitute for coal coke in industrial processes, particularly steelmaking. It provides carbon and heat, similar to coal coke, but with potentially lower greenhouse gas emissions.

Here’s a table summarizing the key differences:

Processing TemperatureLower (300-700°C)Higher (700-1000°C)
Oxygen PresenceLimitedAlmost absent
End ProductPorous, lightweightDense, high carbon
ApplicationsSoil amendment, filtrationIndustrial fuel (steel)




■ Self-cleaning screw / Steam Heated Twin Screw Technology
( SHTS technology )


One of the International Patented Technology that KENKI DRYER has is a self-cleaning structure called Steam Heated Twin Screw technology (SHTS technology). No matter how materials are sticky, adhesive and viscous is, they can be dried without clogging inside of the dryer because of this unique structure that no other products has.
For example, even materials stuck to the blades of one screw, blades of the other screw in the dryer’s body forcibly peels the materials off as they rotate. Since the blades rotate by peeling the material off each other, any sticky, adhesive and viscous material does not adhere to the blade, and the blades continue rotating, peeling, agitating and heating material without stopping while they carries material further. Also, since surface of blades are always renewed and kept clean, heat near the blades is not blocked and it is conducted directly into the materials.

Self-cleaning screw


■ Product characteristics

KENKI DRYER has three main characteristics. They are 1) Any materials can be dried as expected including sticky, adhesive and viscous materials and raw material slurry that no other company can deal with, 2) dried material can by recycled or utilized as raw materials because of its low-temperature drying method, and 3) there is no need to assign operator since its continuous operating system makes 24 hours unattended operation possible.



■ Drying process


The unique and original drying mechanism of KENKI DRYER is also International Patented Technology. Because 4 drying mechanisms which are crashing drying, agitation drying, circulation drying and indirect drying work simultaneously and add heat to material being dried repeatedly and continuously, inner part of the material is dried thoroughly and quality of discharged material after drying is stable. This series of drying mechanisms prevents agglomeration which causes insufficient drying from feeding process of the material into the dryer until discharging process after drying completed. Various ingenuities to conduct heat surely into inner part of the materials are exercised and stable heating and drying are proceeded continuously.



■ Heat source, Saturated steam


Even KENKI DRYER uses only saturated steam as its heat source, it is outstanding in safety and hygiene point of view with its unique drying mechanism based on combined use of conductive heat transfer method and heated air method. Since steam is a stable heat source, quality of discharged material after drying is also stable and equable. Maximum allowed steam pressure is 0.7Mpa and adjustment of steam pressure, adjustment of drying temperature in other words, can be easily done. Saturated steam is commonly used in many factories so that it can be said as a familiar and handy heat source. In comparison with drying methods using burner or hot blasts, saturated steam method is an indirect drying applying heat exchange via pipes that steam is passing through, therefore, it hardly burns the materials and is outstanding in safety and hygiene point of view.

Heat source, Steam


Please consider KENKI DRYER for drying of sticky materials, adhesive materials and materials in liquid state that no other dryer can deal with.
Initial, running and maintenance costs are low because of its simple structure based on internationally patented technology.
For sludge drying, costs of our dryers are estimated to be retrieved within 2, 3 years by reducing industrial waste disposal cost.
For raw material slurry drying, laborious works of manual operation will be decreased significantly by replacing box shaped compartment tray dryer with our dryer
In case of organic wastes drying, the waste can be recycled as fuel, fertilizer, soil conditioner and feedstuff after being dried.


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Pyrolyzer Biogreen
A pyrolyser with internationally patented technology which use no fire