Slurry Raw materials drying ,Low temperature drying of strongly sticky and adhesive liquid slurry raw materials / Test cases / Slurry drying, Slurry dryer

■ Low temperature drying of strongly sticky and adhesive liquid slurry raw materials / KENKI DRYER / Slurry dryer



KENKI DRYER, an internationally patented technology, is designed to efficiently dry highly adhesive and sticky raw material slurries without clogging the equipment. Here are the key points:

  • Drying capability: The dryer can handle even liquid slurry and ensures stable operation without clogging, regardless of the stickiness of the material.
  • Heat Source: It uses saturated steam as a heat source, which allows for low-temperature drying and preserves the composition of the material.
  • Efficiency and safety: The dryer operates at high efficiency, using less steam and reducing fuel costs. It also supports decarbonization by using excess steam or an electric boiler, minimizing CO2 emissions.
  • Operation: The KENKI DRYER is a continuous dryer that can run unattended 24 hours a day, eliminating the need for manual labor and simplifying the drying process compared to traditional methods.
  • Patents and Recognition: It holds 11 patents in 8 countries (Japan, Taiwan, USA, France, Germany, UK, Switzerland, Canada), highlighting its unique and innovative technology.
  • Applications: Suitable for drying high moisture content sludge, organic waste, methane fermentation digested liquid, and other waste materials, making it versatile for various industrial needs.

Overall, the KENKI DRYER is a revolutionary dryer that provides efficient, safe and cost-effective drying solutions for difficult-to-dry materials.


The internationally patented KENKI DRYER can fully demonstrate its capabilities in drying raw material slurry. No matter how adhesive or sticky the slurry is, it will not clog the dryer, and even liquid material slurry can be dried easily for stable operation. The heat source of the KENKI DRYER is saturated steam, which dries at a low temperature so that the components of the dried material do not change and the drying can be done evenly without any problems as a material drying process, The internationally patented technology allows more than sufficient drying of even the inside of the object to be dried, and the dried product is discharged in a very stable and uniform state. It can be operated 24 hours a day, unmanned, with no manpower required for drying. By replacing the conventional box-type shelf drying with the KENKI DRYER, drying can be made easier and the labor-intensive drying process can be relieved at once.

Even difficult-to-dry, highly adhesive materials can be dried easily, smoothly and uniformly with the KENKI DRYER. Adhesive and sticky slurry materials may clog during drying depending on the type of dryer, but the unique, world-patented mechanism of the KENKI DRYER allows even highly adhesive and sticky slurry with high water content to be dried smoothly without clogging the dryer.

KENKI DRYER, with 11 patents in 8 countries, is an indirect steam dryer, but it is a completely unique product, different in structure from other similar indirect steam dryers. The KENKI DEYER uses steam as a heat source, but its high drying heat efficiency means that less steam is used. The use of excess steam is not costly in terms of fuel costs, and the dryer does not emit carbon dioxide during the drying process, allowing for decarbonized drying. Alternatively, by installing an electric boiler, no greenhouse gases or CO2 emissions are generated during drying. The KENKI DRYER is a continuous dryer, not a batch dryer that stores and dries materials to be dried. As a result, the KENKI DRYER is easy to operate and can run unattended 24 hours a day.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know. We will be happy to suggest the best dryer for your company’s needs.
Our dryer “KENKI DRYER” has obtained 11 patents in 8 countries and is good at drying sticky materials that others cannot dry, has no problems after installation, is easy to maintain and has low operating cost. Companies that have adopted this system have been very satisfied with its uniform drying, improved productivity without manual labor, high performance, and durability.

KENKI DRYER is a revolutionary dryer that can dry sticky and adhesive materials that cannot be dried anywhere else. KENKI DRYER is a unique dryer with a total of 11 patents (2 in Japan and 9 in 7 overseas countries). Please consider KENKI DRYER for your high moisture content sludge dryer, raw material sludge dryer, organic waste dryer, sludge dryer, methane fermentation digested liquid dryer, waste upcycling and recycling dryer. KENKI DRYER has been granted 11 patents in 8 countries (Japan, Taiwan, USA, France, Germany, UK, Switzerland, Canada).





slurry drying slurry dryer raw materials drying raw materials dryer kenki deyer 17.08.2024



KENKI DRYER sludge drying slurry drying waste drying top 01


■ Why KENKI DRYER is chosen for raw material slurry dryers?


The KENKI DRYER is chosen for raw material slurry drying due to several key advantages:

  1. Non-Clogging design: It can handle highly adhesive and sticky slurries without clogging, ensuring smooth and continuous operation.
  2. Low temperature drying: Uses saturated steam to dry materials at low temperatures, preserving the components of the dried material.
  3. Uniform Drying: Ensures even drying throughout the material, resulting in a stable and uniform dried product.
  4. 24/7 Operation: Can run continuously without manual intervention, improving productivity and reducing labor costs.
  5. Energy Efficiency: High drying heat efficiency means less steam is used, reducing fuel costs and making the process more economical.
  6. Environmental Benefits: Produces no carbon dioxide emissions during the drying process, contributing to decarbonization efforts.
  7. Patented Technology: With 11 patents in 8 countries, it incorporates unique and innovative features that enhance its performance and reliability.

These features make the KENKI DRYER a reliable and efficient choice for drying raw material slurries, especially those that are difficult to handle with conventional dryers.



■ What is slurry?


Slurry is a semi-liquid mixture, typically composed of fine solid particles suspended in a liquid. The composition and consistency of a slurry can vary depending on its intended use, but it generally resembles a thick, muddy substance.

Common Types and Uses of Slurry:

  1. Construction and Engineering:
    • Concrete Slurry: A mixture of cement, water, and fine aggregate, used as a binding agent in construction.
    • Drilling Slurry: A fluid used in drilling operations to cool and lubricate the drill bit, as well as to carry the cuttings to the surface.
  2. Agriculture:
    • Animal Waste Slurry: A mixture of animal manure, water, and sometimes bedding materials, used as a fertilizer in farming.
  3. Mining and Mineral Processing:
    • Ore Slurry: A mixture of crushed ore and water used in the extraction and processing of minerals.
  4. Food Processing:
    • Food Slurries: Mixtures of food ingredients and water or other liquids, used in the production of various food products, such as soups, sauces, and beverages.

Slurry is a versatile substance used across multiple industries, and its characteristics can be adjusted by altering the ratio of solids to liquids or by adding other materials.



■ Why drying raw material slurry is difficult


Drying raw material slurry can be challenging due to several reasons:

  1. Viscosity and Stickiness: Slurries, especially those with high moisture content, can be highly viscous and sticky. This makes them difficult to handle and process, as they can clog drying equipment and require specialized machinery to prevent such issues.
  2. Moisture Content: High moisture content in slurries means that a significant amount of water needs to be removed, which can be energy-intensive and time-consuming. The process must be carefully managed to avoid overheating or under-drying, which can affect the quality of the final product.
  3. Feedstock Characteristics: The properties of the slurry, such as its solids content, surface tension, and viscosity, can affect the drying process. For example, higher solids content can make the slurry more difficult to pump and atomize, while higher viscosity can increase droplet size during spray drying.
  4. Equipment Requirements: Specialized drying equipment, such as centrifugal dewatering machines or advanced dryers like the KENKI DRYER, may be necessary to handle the unique challenges of slurry drying. These machines must be designed to handle sticky and adhesive materials without clogging.
  5. Operational Conditions: The drying conditions, including temperature, air flow, and drying time, need to be precisely controlled to ensure the desired outcome. Incorrect conditions can lead to poor quality or incomplete drying.
  6. Energy Consumption: Drying slurries often requires significant energy, particularly if the moisture content is high. This can make the process costly and may necessitate careful optimization to minimize energy consumption.

These factors highlight the complexities involved in drying raw material slurries and the need for tailored solutions to overcome these challenges.




■ Low temperature drying of strongly sticky and adhesive liquid slurry raw materials / Test cases /




■ Low temperature drying of strongly sticky and adhesive liquid slurry raw materials  / Test result 


  • Material to be dry: Liquid slurry raw materials 
  • Purpose of drying: Product Manufacturing
  • Moisture content: 52.2%W.B. before drying, 10.2%W.B. after drying
  • Requirements for dryer: To prevent clogging inside the dryer caused by the stickiness and adhesiveness. Automated continuous operation with no operator attended.
    Machine cost can be recovered in short term.
  • Test result: OK

raw materials dryer raw materials drying slurry dryer slurry drying kenki dryer 10.09.2024


Slurry drying

Competitive comparison



KENKI DRYER kenki dryer back 13.06.2024


Woman illustration slurry raw materials drying kenki dryer slurry raw materials dryer 10.09.2024




■ Self-cleaning screw / Steam Heated Twin Screw Technology
( SHTS technology )


One of the International Patented Technology that KENKI DRYER has is a self-cleaning structure called Steam Heated Twin Screw technology (SHTS technology). No matter how materials are sticky, adhesive and viscous is, they can be dried without clogging inside of the dryer because of this unique structure that no other products has.
For example, even materials stuck to the blades of one screw, blades of the other screw in the dryer’s body forcibly peels the materials off as they rotate. Since the blades rotate by peeling the material off each other, any sticky, adhesive and viscous material does not adhere to the blade, and the blades continue rotating, peeling, agitating and heating material without stopping while they carries material further. Also, since surface of blades are always renewed and kept clean, heat near the blades is not blocked and it is conducted directly into the materials.

Self-cleaning screw


■ Product characteristics

KENKI DRYER has three main characteristics. They are 1) Any materials can be dried as expected including sticky, adhesive and viscous materials and raw material slurry that no other company can deal with, 2) dried material can by recycled or utilized as raw materials because of its low-temperature drying method, and 3) there is no need to assign operator since its continuous operating system makes 24 hours unattended operation possible.



■ Drying process


The unique and original drying mechanism of KENKI DRYER is also International Patented Technology. Because 4 drying mechanisms which are crashing drying, agitation drying, circulation drying and indirect drying work simultaneously and add heat to material being dried repeatedly and continuously, inner part of the material is dried thoroughly and quality of discharged material after drying is stable. This series of drying mechanisms prevents agglomeration which causes insufficient drying from feeding process of the material into the dryer until discharging process after drying completed. Various ingenuities to conduct heat surely into inner part of the materials are exercised and stable heating and drying are proceeded continuously.



■ Heat source, Saturated steam


Even KENKI DRYER uses only saturated steam as its heat source, it is outstanding in safety and hygiene point of view with its unique drying mechanism based on combined use of conductive heat transfer method and heated air method. Since steam is a stable heat source, quality of discharged material after drying is also stable and equable. Maximum allowed steam pressure is 0.7Mpa and adjustment of steam pressure, adjustment of drying temperature in other words, can be easily done. Saturated steam is commonly used in many factories so that it can be said as a familiar and handy heat source. In comparison with drying methods using burner or hot blasts, saturated steam method is an indirect drying applying heat exchange via pipes that steam is passing through, therefore, it hardly burns the materials and is outstanding in safety and hygiene point of view.

Heat source, Steam


Please consider KENKI DRYER for drying of sticky materials, adhesive materials and materials in liquid state that no other dryer can deal with.
Initial, running and maintenance costs are low because of its simple structure based on internationally patented technology.
For sludge drying, costs of our dryers are estimated to be retrieved within 2, 3 years by reducing industrial waste disposal cost.
For raw material slurry drying, laborious works of manual operation will be decreased significantly by replacing box shaped compartment tray dryer with our dryer
In case of organic wastes drying, the waste can be recycled as fuel, fertilizer, soil conditioner and feedstuff after being dried.


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