Calculation for amount of evaporated water / Sludge drying, Slurry drying, Waste drying

If you would like to check size of KENKI DRYER before doing drying test, model selection can be done by checking the amount of evaporated water from our standard specification. The amount of evaporated water suggests the difference between before and after the drying process, and it is possible to be calculated.
The followings are its formula and calculation examples. Moisture contents used for the calculation is normally in wet-base (W.B.)
However, official selection of models must be done after performing drying test and based on its results.

■ Calculation for amount of evaporated water

1. Material weight after drying(kg/h)=(1- moisture content before drying) × [ Material weight before drying(kg/h)] ÷(1-moisture content after drying)

2. Material weight before drying(kg/h)= (1-moisture content after drying)× [ Material weight after drying(kg/h)] ÷(1-moisture content before drying)

3. Amount of evaporated water(kg/h) = [ 2. Material weight before drying(kg/h)]- [ 1. Material weight after drying(kg/h)]


■ Calculation example

example )Conditions:Material weight before drying 330 kg/h
  moisture content before drying 80%W.B.
  moisture content after drying 40%W.B.


 1. Material weight after drying(kg/h)= (1-0.8) × 330 kg/h ÷ (1-0.4) =110 kg/h
 2. Material weight before drying(kg/h)= (1-0.4) × 110 kg/h ÷ (1-0.8) = 330 kg/h
 3. Amount of evaporated water (kg/h) = 330 kg/h - 110 kg/h = 220 kg/h




When considering KENKI DRYER, it is recommended currying out a drying test first. Drying status differ depending on materials to be dried. Even the types of materials are the same, conditions before and after drying are not the same since the conditions depend on facilities, environments, etc. Although cost can be estimated before testing, quotation, dimensional drawing, running costs, etc will be officially provided based on results of drying tests after performing them. Tests are acceptable anytime. We have done more than 70 different type of drying tests in the past and still been ordered continuously. The test is chargeable. We make a proposal for contents of the test in each case based on required dryer’s condition and test conditions.



Please consider KENKI DRYER for drying of sticky materials, adhesive materials and materials in liquid state that no other dryer can deal with.
Initial, running and maintenance costs are low because of its simple structure based on internationally patented technology.
For sludge drying, costs of our dryers are estimated to be retrieved within 2, 3 years by reducing industrial waste disposal cost.
For raw material slurry drying, laborious works of manual operation will be decreased significantly by replacing box shaped compartment tray dryer with our dryer
In case of organic wastes drying, the waste can be recycled as fuel, fertilizer, soil conditioner and feedstuff after being dried.



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